There’s a new song on the horizon. It’s one I had written a number of years ago and never could quite work out what I was going to do with it. This year, I brought it into a Machiniso rehearsal and it’s been brought to life. Scott Leishman added a pre-chorus chord motif, I added a melody, and then Scott changed the chorus’s first chord from and F major to an F minor. Quite the difference. I’ve just finished the lyrics – see below. Based on the idea of star crossed loving, Romeo and Juliet, Tristen and Isolde…a dangerous tale of forbidden but irresistible desire and doomed end.

Tristan and Isolde – star crossed lovers – painted by Edmund Leighton
Sapphire Tango
Words by Anne-Lise Larsen, Music by Anne-Lise Larsen and Scott Leishman
Reckless feelings tonight
Dance with danger I just might
Tete a tete at The Astor
Under table lustrada
Start the tango, cheek to cheek
Your stubble scratching, my resistance weak
Burn with me in our fire
Objet D’art, dizzyire
Blue hot
Like a sapphire
Lustre of lust returns to dust
Let’s kiss
Treading on dangerous ground
New scandal in an old town
Chiseled jaw, angel eyes
Oh how they tantalise
Star crossed loving a shade of pink
Your heady whispering …I can hardly think
Burn with me in our fire
Objet D’art, dizzyire
Blue hot
Like a sapphire
Lustre of lust returns to dust
Let’s kiss
Lyrics not to be reproduced without permission. Copyright Anne-Lise Larsen & Scott Leishman 2014.
Here’s a bit of Sapphire Tango from our last rehearsal…soon to be in the studio. I think I’d like this sped up a bit… How exciting!
The printed crumpled piece of A4 was the original idea I brought in to Machiniso, with a fair bit of trepidation dipping my toe into my first collaboration. Worked out ok in the end! Ha hah. The hand written notes on left are my scribbles in arranging a form and padding out Scott’s addition, the pre-chorus (which is originally marked as bridge) and my new chorus. Note my original Fmaj marking in the first draft of the chorus on left. Scott Leishman changed it to an Fmin. So much better!
Would love to hear your comments! Feel free to reply below. 🙂